Country Profile

The population of The Gambia in 2018 was close to 2 million and it has been multiplied by five since independence. Sixty-six per cent of the population is under the age of 16. This rapid growth represents a challenge for the country both in terms of resources and access to employment. The country is one of the least developed in the world, with 48.4 per cent of the population living on less than USD 1.25 per day.

The economy relies primarily on agriculture, tourism, and remittances. Agriculture accounts for 13 per cent of its GDP and employs 75 per cent of the rural population. 70 per cent of rural youths, both men and women are engaged in low productivity rural subsistence agriculture. Agriculture has been highlighted by the UN and GAMJOBS as having the potential for increased employment. But climate variation can also impact the traditional agricultural sector, which is mostly constituted by rain-fed agriculture.

Industrial sector, which accounts for 15.9 per cent of GDP and is composed of small-scale industries. Informal employment accounts for 63 per cent of the economy this is where young people are deeply affected.
