About Us

AMAC (African Migration Advisory Centre) is a vital resource for Gambians seeking information and support regarding migration to Europe. Here's a breakdown of their services and mission:

  1. Information Hub: AMAC serves as a central hub where Gambians can access comprehensive information regarding both legal and irregular migration to Europe. This includes details on available alternatives to irregular migration.

  2. Education and Awareness: AMAC is committed to educating the Gambian public about the dangers and realities associated with irregular migration to Europe. This involves dispelling myths and providing factual information to help individuals make informed decisions.

  3. Support Services for Returnees: For Gambians who have embarked on the perilous journey of irregular migration ("back-way") to Europe and wish to return home, AMAC offers essential support services. This includes short-term accommodation, medical and psychological care, provision of basic necessities such as clothing and food, and where possible, sponsorship assistance for reintegration into their communities.

  4. European Visa Counseling: AMAC provides guidance and assistance with the official screening procedures required by the European Union for individuals seeking visas. This ensures that applicants are well-prepared and informed about the process.

  5. Addressing Human Trafficking: AMAC plays a crucial role in bridging the gap between EU policies and Gambians who have become victims of human trafficking. They recognize that many individuals who have experienced the harsh realities of irregular migration wish to return voluntarily but face societal and cultural pressures that make reintegration challenging. AMAC offers holistic support to these individuals, including working with families, communities, deportees, and illegal migrants to facilitate safe reintegration.

Overall, AMAC's mission is to provide Gambians with the necessary support, resources, and information to make informed decisions about migration while also offering assistance to those who have already embarked on the journey and wish to return home safely and reintegrate into their communities. They aim to change societal perceptions of returnees and deportees from ones of shame and failure to recognizing them as survivors and heroes in need of support and understanding.


News Articles

Adrian Corish is working to Prevent migrants making perilous illegal journey to Europe


An initiative to reduce the number of illegal migrants from Africa and Elsewhere Entering Europe. April 2015


Our Team

Adrian Corish

Adrian Corish

Alhagie Pa Omar Faal

Alhagie Pa Omar Faal

The Gambia Ambassador at Large
Muhammed M Dabo

Muhammed M Dabo

Head of I.T